How To Do A Daily Tarot Reading
It can be incredibly stressful to attempt and memorise every card’s meaning so you get your readings straight if you’re a Tarot newbie or even someone who just wants to enhance their ability to read Tarot with confidence. The good news is that you don’t actually need to know every card interpretation by heart to do insightful readings for others and yourself.
Tarot is all about trusting what appears and using your intuition. The Daily Tarot Card exercise does exactly what it sounds like it will do: you choose one card each day for yourself to see what kind of advice you get from it. This is one of my favourite ways to put this into reality.
Begin your day in a unique way
Start your day off right by connecting to your intuition with your Tarot cards in the morning rather than picking up your phone. Having a routine helps you plan your day for success, and using a Tarot card to lead your thoughts can help you become more intuitive.
It provides you with a foundation—a message—that you can use whatever you feel called to. When you think about the Tarot card you’ve drawn, pay attention to the first idea that comes to mind; it’s likely that your intuition is leading you to the message you need to hear at that precise moment.
The Advantages of a Daily Tarot Practise
Making better decisions when you can see things more clearly is one of the amazing advantages you’ll start to experience as a result of engaging in this activity. Moreover, you’ll be making judgements from a more intuitive place rather than looking to others for approval, which means the choices you make will be the best ones for you. Furthermore, you’ll feel more prepared to deal with tough decisions if they show up when you start each day with a practice that makes you feel good.
You’ll also walk throughout the day with more meaning and intention, and you’ll have clearer insights that let you create a life you love. If you continue with this process, you’ll discover that your intuition is growing stronger, which will make life more joyful and give you the freedom to choose the life you desire.
The Beginning
So, how do you begin? I’ll explain it to you in simple terms.
At the beginning of the day:
- Ask yourself, What do I need to know right now? You may explore what your intuition is trying to tell you as you go about your day by asking this question. The question is broad enough to allow for individual perception based on your current situation and the ideas that arise in your head while completing this task.
- Choose a Tarot Card. When you pull a Tarot card, try to connect to its energy and start to follow your instincts. Consider what the card might be trying to remind you of by letting yourself feel into it.
- Think about what it might signify for you. Consider what the card might be trying to tell you about a circumstance, a connection, or a problem that you ought to give a little more thought to. What feelings does the card generate for you? Think about these factors as you try to interpret what the card might signify to you right now.
In the daytime:
- Seek out people, events, and scenarios that correspond to the card. Keep the message you intuited that morning in the forefront of your mind and keep an eye out for any situations or things coming up that speak to that message. Simply be mindful of anything that may remind you of the card you selected, even if you aren’t yet certain why, if you are unsure of what it entails to you.
- Incorporate the energy of the card into your everyday routines. This could be a really enjoyable way to include Tarot into your day. Bring the energy of the card into your regular activity. Consider the energy that was there when you picked the card, and look for ways to “play out” that energy. As an illustration, if you drew the Six of Pentacles, you could realise that you could be kinder, and generous, and perhaps even go out of your way to do something kind for another person.
The bottom line is:
- Think back on the events of the day. Make a note of whatever reminded you of the Tarot card you had chosen that morning or anything that happened as a result of the energy this activity brought into your life.
- Take notes of any new insights you have about the Tarot card. Take down notes based on what you instinctively learnt from the morning’s activity, how you view your day to have gone after meditation, and how it influenced your day. As you do this often, you will develop a strong, special guidebook that you can use to analyse the energies that particular cards bring to a person’s life and what that can signify.
Effects in the Long Run
This practice will eventually allow you the ability to thoroughly examine each card while creating your very own unique meanings in one spot. It plunges you into Tarot every day and is a wonderful method to show your devotion to your Tarot training.
In reality, it’s a highly effective method! One, it makes a good start to your day. Plus, you are constantly learning Tarot!
Because you don’t have to memorise anything, using card-a-day practice is a wonderful method to develop personal meanings for the cards. You just come to understand what the cards mean to you over time. Then, when you perform a reading for yourself or someone else, you can just think back to your card-a-day experience and include that message into your reading.
Be imaginative!
You are not supposed to keep asking yourself, “What do I need to know today? ”
Here are six different queries you might pose to your Tarot cards every morning to activate your intuition:
- What energy is influencing me this morning?
- Should I let go of something today?
- How connected am I living right now?
- What can I concentrate on today to have a great day?
- What areas of my life are currently out of sync?
- How can the situation be improved right now?
You might also include some of your personal favourites to start your day off right.
I want you to understand something very essential from all of this: This is not a chore. Not for homework. A daily card draw should be enjoyable.
This exercise can be completed while drinking your morning tea or coffee or when lying in bed in the morning, just being still before taking action. Your day starts out well thanks to this simple little ritual.
You may find a wide range of information on our blog if you’re interested in finding out more about incorporating Tarot into your daily life.